Leguizamon First at PittRace

August 6, 2018

Wampum, PA – K-Hill Motorsports driver Baltazar Leguizamon ended the Keystone Speedfest at Pittsburgh International Race Complex with a strong victory, taking the lead early over Keith Grant and fending off a late race challenge en route to the checkered flag in round 10 of the 2018 Atlantic Championship Series season. Driving for K-Hill Motorsports, Leguizamon won over Keith Grant in second for Polestar and K-Hill’s Blake Mount in third. Bob Corliss won the Masters Class.


Leguizamon: “It was a hard race after four other races this weekend, each more than 35 minutes. I was pushing the car hard at the end, and the rear had gotten loose, so I went full stiff on the sway bar, which made the steering much heavier. The car was well balanced, thanks to K-Hill Motorsports.”

Grant: “I was going down a gear, braking into turn 12 and looped it. I lost it and got back on, but one or two seconds too late. I don’t think Baltazar was holding back, I think he was struggling to stay ahead of me. We ran him down; we were quicker all weekend but made a mistake. I just needed another lap.

Mount: “It was a pretty uneventful race. Keith spun and got by me easily. I need to thank my sponsors for putting on a great event this weekend.”

Corliss: “The car handles great and Comprent is keeping it together. I had a scrap with my buddy Rick Zober. I had a little fun with him in turn one.”

The 2018 Atlantic Championship Series season now races towards its conclusion, with two weekends and four races remaining. Next up is a doubleheader at Summit Point, August 24-26, followed by the season finale at New Jersey Motorsports Park, Sept. 14-16.

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